Tao Tao is a postdoctoral research associate at Mobility Data Analytics Center (MAC) at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. His current research interests include transportation and community resilience, environment-friendly transportation system, transportation equity, land use and travel behavior, transit planning, and urban computing. He has published papers in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Journal of Planning Education and Research, and Journal of Transport Geography.
Tao has been the instructor for the courses Urban Transportation Planning and Policy (PA5234) and Data Management and Visualization with R (PA 5928) at the University of Minnesota. He has also been the instructor fo the courses Introduction to Transportation Systems Analysis (12-644/94-893) and Smart Cities: Growth with Intelligent Transportation Systems (12-645/94-845) at the Carnegie Mellon University. He has served as the EAB member for Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. He has also served as a reviewer for several journals including Urban Studies, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Journal of Transport Geography, and Transportation.
Tao received a Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Planning from University of Minnesota. He received an M.E. in Transportation Planning and Management and a B.E. in Traffic and Transportation from Southeast University. He received an M.S. in Statistics from University of Minnesota.
[March 2025] Pavement Condition Prediction for Communities: A Low-Cost, Ubiquitous, and Network-Wide Approach [Link] has been chosen as the Editor’s Choice selection by the Journal of Infrastructure Systems [Link].
[October 2024] Do Smart Loading Zones help reduce traffic congestion? A causal analysis in Pittsburgh has been published in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review [Link].
[Feb 2024] The use of crowdsourced mobile data in estimating pedestrian and bicycle traffic: A systematic review has been published in Journal of Transport and Land Use [Link].